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Does PRP Really Work?

Premature hair thinning and hair loss is a predominant condition that affects one in every five men and women as well. But, whatever the reason be, nobody likes to witness thinning hair or prominent bald patches all over their scalp.

PRP for hair loss is one of the most prominent and effective forms of hair restorative procedures that patients rely on. While 80 million people (both men and women combined) have complained about some form of hair loss, it is not surprising that there is a rising popularity of PRP for hair loss treatments.

But, does hair regrow after PRP treatment? How effective is the procedure? We are going to discuss all the necessary information that you need to know about the same.


Table of Contents

Feel free to skip ahead if one topic catches your eye

  1. What is PRP for Hair Loss?
  2. Who should consider PRP for Hair Loss?
  3. How is it Done?
  4. Benefits of PRP for Hair Loss
  5. What to Expect while Considered PRP for Hair Loss?
  6. Common Side Effects of PRP for Hair Loss
  7. Cost of PRP therapy For Hair Loss

Take Away


1. What is PRP for Hair Loss?

PRP treatment, also known as the Platelet-rich plasma treatment is a hair restorative procedure that is conducted in three steps. This treatment uses the patient’s own blood, which is then processed and injected back at the bald sites.

The PRP injections help promote hair growth around the areas of thinning or balding by enhancing the blood circulation around the site. It also increases the thickness of the hair shafts in the injected site on the scalp.

Even though this procedure has been prevalent since the 1980s, it is recently that it has gained immense popularity because of the higher success rate and reduced risks of complications. Many patients have one question before the treatment, “Does PRP treatment hurt?” But, for the most part, it is a pain-free and minimally invasive procedure.



2. Who should consider PRP for Hair Loss?

Since PRP is a relatively new approach to hair restoration, it is not a suggestive procedure for every patient that comes for hair loss treatment. This procedure is primarily effective for patients struggling with rapid thinning of hair. Since this condition causes shrinkage to the hair follicles, opting for the traditional hair transplant procedure doesn’t show results. 

Additionally, PRP for hair loss generally works best for patients who are in good health. Since the process involves using the platelets of the patient for triggering hair growth, it is necessary that the patient is in the best health to ensure prompt regrowth of the lost hair.



What is the success rate of PRP


3. How is it Done?

As we mentioned before, the PRP treatment for hair loss is done in three stages. Also, it is not a one-time treatment and can require a few consultations with the cosmetic surgeon. 

In case you are wondering how does PRP treatment work, we have sorted out the step by step process for you:

Stage 1 – The procedure starts with a thorough consultation with the surgeon who guides you through the entire process. Once everything is discussed, the required amount of blood is drawn from the patient’s arm. The drawn blood is then centrifuged to separate the components in the blood. 

Stage 2 – The blood is then consistently centrifuged till it separates into platelet-rich plasma, platelet-poor plasma, and red blood cells. 

Stage 3 – Once the platelet-rich plasma is extracted, it is taken into a syringe and then injected into the areas of the scalp where there is thinning or balding of the hair.



4. Benefits of PRP for Hair Loss

If you are wondering how effective PRP treatment is, the benefits of the procedure will give you a clear idea of the same. Since this is a fairly new treatment, there is less clinical evidence concerning the impacts of the treatment. But, the potential benefits have made it a very popular hair restorative procedure in recent times.

Some of the benefits of PRP for hair loss include:

Safe – PRP uses your body’s own platelets that reduce the risks of allergic reactions or complications. It also prevents the risks of your body rejecting the plasma.

Pain-free – PRP is a pain-free procedure because it doesn’t require any kind of surgical incisions. So, you will likely feel a pinch at the site of injecting along with a little discomfort.

Effective – If you are tired of not seeing any results with other hair restorative procedures, you wouldn’t have to worry about the same with this one. Not only is it effective, but it also shows quicker results after 1-2 months of the treatment.

Convenience – Unlike the other hair transplant treatments, PRP for hair loss is very convenient and a fast process. You can undergo the treatment the same day after the consultation with the cosmetologist and then drive back home without any harsh complications.


5. What to Expect while Considered PRP for Hair Loss?

While PRP treatment has amazing benefits for hair regrowth. So, if you are planning on undergoing this treatment, here are a few factors that you should keep in mind.

Before the treatment

  • Avoid taking blood-thinning medications 2 weeks before the treatment
  • Stop the consumption of alcohol at least one week prior to the treatment
  • Avoid smoking for at least one week before the treatment


After the treatment

  • PRP for hair loss might require more than one session for effective results
  • There might be a few PRP side effects right after the treatment
  • Some patients might require monthly touch-ups for 3-4 months following the first session

The success rate of the PRP treatment for hair loss is around 70%. The rate is continually increasing with more clinical evidence surrounding the treatment.



6. Common Side Effects of PRP for Hair Loss

Even though PRP treatment is not a surgical treatment, it does involve injections that might cause a few complications. The majority of them are temporary and last for a few days before they recover on their own.

Some of the common PRP side effects include:

  • Rupturing of a blood vessel on the site of the treatment on the scalp
  • Mild infection
  • Scarring at the injury site
  • Calcification or deposition of scar tissue
  • Prolonged impacts of the anaesthesia

At Advanced Wellness, you get the best PRP treatment for hair loss in Gurgaon with minimal risks of complications. The board-certified doctors ensure that the patients experience the best results from the treatment.



7. Cost of PRP therapy For Hair Loss

The cost of PRP treatment for hair loss is very subjective and varies depending on the following factors:

  • The area being treated 
  • The severity of hair thinning or balding
  • Number of sessions required
  • Charges of the doctor and clinic 

Generally, the procedure ranges between INR 6,000 to INR 10,000 for one session. The total cost of the procedure will likely vary from patient to patient.

Advanced Wellness assures to provide the best treatment to the patient at a reasonable cost.



Take Away

Even though the amount of clinical evidence behind PRP for hair loss at PRP Hair Treatment Clinic in Gurgaon is limited, the available research is pretty promising. So, if you are looking for some good-quality hair restorative procedure to get rid of the complaints of thinning and balding, we’d suggest you opt for this. Talk to your doctor of choice and ask them about the rest of the information that you’d likely need to know about the procedure to undergo it.



1^ What is PRP for Hair Loss? HealthLine | December 31, 2020
2^ Who should consider PRP for Hair Loss? Medicalnewstoday | December 31, 2020
3^ How is it Done? Medicalnewstoday | December 31, 2020
4^ What to Expect while Considered PRP for Hair Loss? Everyday Health | December 31, 2020
5^ Common Side Effects of PRP for Hair Loss HealthLine | December 31, 2020
6^ Cost of PRP therapy For Hair Loss Skin Specialist Delhi | December 31, 2020

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